

Work rhythms: analyzing visualizations of awareness histories of distributed groups

14 years 2 months ago
Work rhythms: analyzing visualizations of awareness histories of distributed groups
We examined records of minute-by-minute computer activity coupled with information about the location of the activity, online calendar appointments, and e-mail activity. We present a number of visualizations of the data that exhibit meaningful patterns in users' activities. We demonstrate how the patterns vary between individuals and within individuals according to time of day, location, and day of the week. Some patterns augment the schedule information found in people's online calendars. We discuss applications for group coordination (especially across time zones) plus opportunities for future research. In light of the popularity of instant messaging, this research identifies some of the benefits and privacy risks associated with the uses of online presence and awareness information. Keywords Work rhythms, awareness, presence, instant messaging (IM), group calendaring, CSCW, sociology of time. AWARENESS OF WORK RHYTHMS Much of our everyday work (and life) has underlying rh...
James Begole, John C. Tang, Randall B. Smith, Nico
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CSCW
Authors James Begole, John C. Tang, Randall B. Smith, Nicole Yankelovich
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