

Parallel programming: can we PLEASE get it right this time?

15 years 4 months ago
Parallel programming: can we PLEASE get it right this time?
The computer industry has a problem. As Moore's law marches on, we will be exploiting it to double cores, not frequencies. But all those cores ... 2 to 4 today growing to 8, 16 and beyond over the next several years ... are of little value with out parallel software. Where will this parallel software come from? With few exceptions, only graduate students and other strange people are willing to write parallel software. Professional software engineers almost never write parallel software. Somehow we need to (1) design many core systems programmers can actually use and (2) provide programmers with parallel programming environments that work. The good news is we have 25+ years of history in the HPC space to guide us. The bad news is I don't think very many people are paying attention to these past experiences. In this talk, I look back at the history of parallel computing and develop a set of rules we must follow if we want to create many core systems that are actually useful. A...
Tim Mattson, Michael Wrinn
Added 12 Nov 2009
Updated 12 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DAC
Authors Tim Mattson, Michael Wrinn
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