

Smart CAPs for Smart Its - Context Detection for Mobile Users

14 years 3 months ago
Smart CAPs for Smart Its - Context Detection for Mobile Users
Context detection for mobile users plays a major role for enabling novel, human-centric interfaces. For this, we introduce a context detection scheme for disseminated, computer empowered sensors, referred to as Smart-Its [7]. Context-detection takes place without requiring any central point of control, and supports push as well as pull modes. Our solution is based on an in-network composition approach relying on so-called smart context-aware packets (sCAPs). sCAPs travel thru a sensor network governed by an enclosed retrieving plan, specifying which sensors to visit for gaining a specific piece of context information. For enhanced flexibility, the retrieving plan itself may be dynamically altered in accordance to past sensor readings.
Florian Michahelles, Michael Samulowitz
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where PUC
Authors Florian Michahelles, Michael Samulowitz
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