

On a relation between information inequalities and group theory

14 years 2 months ago
On a relation between information inequalities and group theory
Abstract--In this paper, we establish a one-to-one correspondence between information inequalities and group inequalities. The major implication of our result is that we can prove information inequalities by proving the corresponding group inequalities, and vice versa. By giving a group-theoretic proof for all Shannon-type inequalities, we suggest that new inequalities could be discovered by making use of the rich set of tools in group theory. On the other hand, via a non-Shannon-type information inequality recently discovered by Zhang and Yeung, we obtain a new inequality in group theory whose meaning is yet to be understood.
Terence H. Chan, Raymond W. Yeung
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TIT
Authors Terence H. Chan, Raymond W. Yeung
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