

Programmable springs: Developing actuators with programmable compliance for autonomous robots

14 years 1 months ago
Programmable springs: Developing actuators with programmable compliance for autonomous robots
Developing real robots that can exploit dynamic interactions with the environment requires the use of actuators whose behaviour can vary from high stiffness to complete compliance or zero impedance. We will outline our design for an electric actuator, called a programmable spring, which can be easily configured using a high level programming interface to emulate complex multimodal spring damping systems. The types of behaviour that our actuator can exhibit are explored, including antagonistic actuation, cyclic behaviour and hysteresis. This system is intended as the basis for a cost effective ’off the shelf’ component for robotics research and development. Key words: Actuators, Programmable Compliance, Passive Dynamics, Autonomous Robotics.
Bill Bigge, Inman R. Harvey
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where RAS
Authors Bill Bigge, Inman R. Harvey
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