

A robotic module for stochastic fluidic assembly of 3D self-reconfiguring structures

13 years 11 months ago
A robotic module for stochastic fluidic assembly of 3D self-reconfiguring structures
— Stochastic self-reconfiguring robots are modular robots that possess the ability to autonomously change the arrangement of their modules and do so through the use of nondeterministic processes. We present a concept for a robotic system in which the stochastic behavior of turbulent flow in a chamber is used during assembly and disassembly operations. The thermorheological properties of Pluronic® are used to implement flow routing for controlling the assembly process. This is the first use of thermorheological valving in three dimensions. A novel reversible module connection mechanism using a low melting point alloy which is soldered in a fluid environment is presented. Together with our approach to selfalignment, these are the innovations required to allow scalable self-directed assembly in three dimensions.
Jonas Neubert, Abraham P. Cantwell, Stephane Const
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Jonas Neubert, Abraham P. Cantwell, Stephane Constantin, Michael Kalontarov, David Erickson, Hod Lipson
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