

An optimization approach to rough terrain locomotion

14 years 11 days ago
An optimization approach to rough terrain locomotion
— We present a novel approach to legged locomotion over rough terrain that is thoroughly rooted in optimization. This approach relies on a hierarchy of fast, anytime algorithms to plan a set of footholds, along with the dynamic body motions required to execute them. Components within the planning framework coordinate to exchange plans, cost-to-go estimates, and “certificates” that ensure the output of an abstract highlevel planner can be realized by deeper layers of the hierarchy. The burden of careful engineering of cost functions to achieve desired performance is substantially mitigated by a simple inverse optimal control technique. Robustness is achieved by real-time re-planning of the full trajectory, augmented by reflexes and feedback control. We demonstrate the successful application of our approach in guiding the LittleDog quadruped robot over a variety of rough terrains.
Matthew Zucker, James A. Bagnell, Christopher G. A
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Matthew Zucker, James A. Bagnell, Christopher G. Atkeson, James Kuffner
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