

Ankle and hip balance control strategies with transitions

14 years 1 months ago
Ankle and hip balance control strategies with transitions
— A method for implementing the ankle and hip balance control strategies, well known from studies on human balance control, is suggested. The moment of the acting disturbance force is evaluated continuously in real time via the difference between the ZMP and the ground projection of the center of mass. Compliant response to the continuous disturbance is ensured by attaching a virtual spring-damper in an appropriate way for each strategy. Further on, whenever the limit of the ankle strategy is reached, a smooth transition toward the hip strategy is initialized and compliance is ensured in a continuous way and in agreement with the disturbance. After the disturbance is removed, the humanoid switches first back to the ankle strategy, and then returns to the initial equilibrium (erect) posture. Experimental data taken with a small humanoid robot (HOAP-2) are presented to validate the method. See also the accompanying video clip.
Yoshikazu Kanamiya, Shun Ota, Daisuke Sato
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Yoshikazu Kanamiya, Shun Ota, Daisuke Sato
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