

Improving Learning Object Reuse Through OOD: A Theory of Learning Objects

14 years 1 months ago
Improving Learning Object Reuse Through OOD: A Theory of Learning Objects
The concept of a learning object (LO) has spread quickly without a very specific universal definition, and though born originally from the idea of object oriented design, with a goal of providing high levels of reusability for digital learning resources, it is being developed generally without reference to the ideals of the object oriented design paradigm. This has resulted in challenges to reusability and interoperability. We therefore present a theory of learning objects (including OOGLOM - Object Oriented Generic Learning Object Model). We develop UML models to illustrate OOGLOM as well as illustrate how it provides interoperability. Keywords E-Learning, Learning Object, Reusability, Learning Component
Claudine A. Allen, Ezra K. Mugisa
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JOT
Authors Claudine A. Allen, Ezra K. Mugisa
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