

Mobile Agent-based Context-aware Services

14 years 1 months ago
Mobile Agent-based Context-aware Services
: This paper presents an agent-based system for building and operating agent-based context-aware services in public spaces, including museums. The system provides users with agents and detects the locations of users and deploys location-aware user-assistant agents at computers near the their current locations by using active RFID-tags. When a visitor moves between exhibits in a museum, this dynamically deploys his/her agent at the computers close to the exhibits by using mobile agent technology. It annotates the exhibits in his/her personalized form and navigate him/her user to the next exhibits along his/her routes. It also introduces user movement as a natural approach to interacting between users and agents. To demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the system, we constructed location/user-aware visitor-guide services and experimented them for two weeks in a public museum. Key Words: User Navigation, Mobile Agent, Context-aware Service, RFID Category: SD C.2.4 Distributed appl...
Ichiro Satoh
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JUCS
Authors Ichiro Satoh
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