

Rhythms and plasticity: television temporality at home

13 years 11 months ago
Rhythms and plasticity: television temporality at home
Abstract Digital technologies have enabled new temporalities of media consumption in the home. Through a field study of home television viewing practices, we investigated temporal orderings of television watching. In contrast to traditional pictures of television use, our evidence suggests that rhythms across households play an important role in shaping television watching. Further, we found a flexibility and openness within the patterns of television viewing that we refer to as ‘‘plasticity.’’ Our data suggest that plasticity and rhythms co-exist and together compose the qualitative experience of domestic television time; an understanding of both aspects of temporality suggests an approach for the design of future television technologies. Keywords Home Á Ethnography Á Video Á Technology ensemble Á Time
Lilly Irani, Robin Jeffries, Andrea Knight
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PUC
Authors Lilly Irani, Robin Jeffries, Andrea Knight
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