

Do Social Robots Walk or Roll?

14 years 1 months ago
Do Social Robots Walk or Roll?
Abstract. There is a growing trend of social robots to move into the human environment. This research is set up to find the trends within social robotic designs. A sample of social robotic designs is drawn to investigate on whether there are more legged social robots than social robots with wheeled. In addition we investigate whether social robots use legs or wheels for locomotion, and which continent produces the most social robotic designs. The the results show that there are more legged robots, most robots use them for locomotion and Asia is the continent that produces most social robots. It can be concluded that there is a trend that social robots are more and more designed to have legs instead of wheels. Asia has more different social robotic designs to cater to different needs of human.
Selene Chew, Willie Tay, Danielle Smit, Christoph
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Selene Chew, Willie Tay, Danielle Smit, Christoph Bartneck
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