

Order-Independence of Vector-Based Transition Systems

14 years 1 months ago
Order-Independence of Vector-Based Transition Systems
Abstract--Semantics of many specification languages, particularly those used in the domain of hardware, is described in terms of vector-based transition systems. In such a transition system, each macro-step transition is labeled by a vector of inputs. When performing a macro-step, several inputs may potentially change. Each macro-step can thus be decomposed in a number of micro-steps, taking one input change at a time into account. This is akin to an interleaving semantics, where a concurrent step is represented by an interleaving of tituting components. We present abstract criteria on vector-based transition systems, which guarantee that the next state computation is independent of the order in which these eps are executed. If our abstract criteria are satisfied by the semantic definition of a certain specification, then its state-space generation or exploration algorithm needs to only consider one representative among all possible permutations of such micro-steps. We demonstrate the ...
Matthias Raffelsieper, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Hans
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ACSD
Authors Matthias Raffelsieper, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Hans Zantema
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