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Abstract--Clock gating and operand isolation are two techniques to reduce the power consumption in state-of-the-art hardware designs. Both approaches basically follow a two-step pr...
Jens Brandt, Klaus Schneider, Sumit Ahuja, Sandeep...
Abstract--Safety properties are an important class of properties as in the industrial use of model checking a large majority of the properties to be checked are safety properties. ...
Tuomas Launiainen, Keijo Heljanko, Tommi A. Juntti...
Abstract--Semantics of many specification languages, particularly those used in the domain of hardware, is described in terms of vector-based transition systems. In such a transiti...
Matthias Raffelsieper, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Hans...
We present a formal framework to evaluate stochastic properties of MANET protocols. It captures the interplay between stochastic behavior of protocols deployed at different network...
The synchronous model of computation divides the execution of a program into an infinite sequence of socalled macro steps, which are further divided into finitely many micro steps....
Digital components play a central role in the design of complex embedded systems. These components are interconnected with other, possibly analog, devices and the physical environm...
Laurent Doyen, Thomas A. Henzinger, Axel Legay, De...
Self-timed circuits present an attractive solution to the problem of process variation. However, implementing selftimed combinational logic can be complex and expensive. This pape...
POOSL (Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language) is a powerful general purpose system-level modeling language. In research on design space exploration of motion control syst...
Jiansheng Xing, Bart D. Theelen, Rom Langerak, Jac...