

Targeting Television Audiences Using Demographic Similarity

14 years 1 months ago
Targeting Television Audiences Using Demographic Similarity
Targeting advertising on television is difficult due to limitations around ad tracking and ad delivery. This paper describes a new method of television advertising which can work with today's state of the art broadcast television media. The method works by calculating a match score between historical buyer demographics and television station-programday-hour demographics. Television media which is very similar to the demographic of the buyer is targeted for advertising. The method is tested in a live media buy and it is shown that the method can significantly increases the performance of television advertising. Keywords-television; targeting; advertising; tv; demographics; similarity
Brendan Kitts, Liang Wei, Dyng Au, Stefanie Zlomek
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICDM
Authors Brendan Kitts, Liang Wei, Dyng Au, Stefanie Zlomek, Ryan Brooks, Brian Burdick
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