Abstract--Adaptive microarchitectures are a promising solution for designing high-performance, power-efficient microprocessors. They offer the ability to tailor computational resources to the specific requirements of different programs or program phases. They have the potential to adapt the hardware costeffectively at runtime to any application's needs. However, one of the key challenges is how to dynamically determine the best architecture configuration at any given time, for any new workload. This paper proposes a novel control mechanism based on a predictive model for microarchitectural adaptivity control. This model is able to efficiently control adaptivity by monitoring the behaviour of an application's different phases at runtime. We show that using this model on SPEC 2000, we double the energy/performance efficiency of the processor when compared to the best static configuration tuned for the whole benchmark suite. This represents 74% of the improvement available if we...
Christophe Dubach, Timothy M. Jones, Edwin V. Boni