

Listening-Test-Based Annotation of Communicative Functions for Expressive Speech Synthesis

14 years 1 months ago
Listening-Test-Based Annotation of Communicative Functions for Expressive Speech Synthesis
This paper is focused on the evaluation of listening test that was realized with a view to objectively annotate expressive speech recordings and further develop a limited domain expressive speech synthesis system. There are two main issues to face in this task. The first matter in issue to be taken into consideration is the fact that expressivity in speech has to be defined in some way. The second problem is that perception of expressive speech is a subjective question. However, for the purposes of expressive speech synthesis using unit selection algorithms, the expressive speech corpus has to be objectively and unambiguously annotated. At first, a classification of expressivity was determined making use of communicative functions. These are supposed to describe the type of expressivity and/or speaker's attitude. Further, to achieve objectivity at a significant level, a listening test with relatively high number of listeners was realized. The listeners were asked to mark sentences...
Martin Gruber, Jindrich Matousek
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSD
Authors Martin Gruber, Jindrich Matousek
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