

Threshold Models for Competitive Influence in Social Networks

14 years 29 days ago
Threshold Models for Competitive Influence in Social Networks
The problem of influence maximization deals with choosing the optimal set of nodes in a social network so as to maximize the resulting spread of a technology (opinion, productownership, etc.), given a model of diffusion of influence in a network. A natural extension of this would be to introduce a competitive setting, in which the goal is to maximize the spread of our technology in the presence of one or more competitors. We suggest several natural extensions to the well-studied linear-threshold model that was used in the single-technology case, and show that the original greedy approach cannot be used. Furthermore, we show that for a broad family of competitive influence models, it is NP-hard to achieve an approximation that is better than a square root of the optimal solution. Also, we show that the same proof of hardness of approximation can also be applied to give a negative result for a conjecture in [2] about a general cascade model for competitive diffusion. Finally, we suggest...
Allan Borodin, Yuval Filmus, Joel Oren
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where WINE
Authors Allan Borodin, Yuval Filmus, Joel Oren
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