

Fast visualization of complex 3D models using displacement mapping

14 years 10 days ago
Fast visualization of complex 3D models using displacement mapping
We present a simple method to render complex 3D models at interactive rates using real-time displacement mapping. We use an octree to decompose the 3D model into a set of height fields and display the model by rendering the height fields using per-pixel displacement mapping. By simply rendering the faces of the octree voxels to produce fragments for ray-casting on the GPU, and with straightforward transformation of view rays to the displacement map's local space, our method is able to accurately render the object's silhouettes with very little special handling. The algorithm is especially suitable for fast visualization of high-detail point-based models, and models made up of unprocessed triangle meshes that come straight from range scanning. This is because our method requires much less preprocessing time compared to the traditional triangle-based rendering approach, which usually needs a large amount of computation to preprocess the input model into one that can be rendere...
The-Kiet Lu, Kok-Lim Low, Jianmin Zheng
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors The-Kiet Lu, Kok-Lim Low, Jianmin Zheng
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