

Development of HCNG Blended Fuel Engine with Control of NOx Emissions

13 years 10 months ago
Development of HCNG Blended Fuel Engine with Control of NOx Emissions
With increasing concern about energy shortage and environmental protection, research on reducing exhaust emissions, reducing fuel consumption, reducing engine noise and increasing specific outputs has become the major researching aspect in combustion and engine development. Alternative fuels such as CNG, HCNG, LPG, LNG, Bio-Diesel, Biogas, Hydrogen, Ethanol, Methanol, Di-Methyl Ether, Producer gas, P-series have been tried worldwide. Hydrogen as a future fuel for IC engines is also being considered. But several obstacles have to overcome before commercialization of Hydrogen as an IC engine fuel for automotive sector. Hydrogen and CNG blends (HCNG) may be considered as an automotive fuel without any major modification in the existing CNG engine and infrastructure. A strategy has been worked out for converting the optimised CNG engine to run on HCNG. The testing is carried out for the neat CNG and 5% blends of Hydrogen by volume with CNG. It is observed in the experimental work that the...
K. R. Patil, P. M. Khanwalkar, S. S. Thipse, K. P.
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors K. R. Patil, P. M. Khanwalkar, S. S. Thipse, K. P. Kavathekar, S. D. Rairikar
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