

Email Analysis and Information Extraction for Enterprise Benefit

13 years 10 months ago
Email Analysis and Information Extraction for Enterprise Benefit
In spite of rapid advances in multimedia and interactive technologies, enterprise users prefer to battle with email spam and overload rather than lose the benefits of communicating, collaborating and solving business tasks over email. Many aspects of email have significantly improved over time, but its overall integration with the enterprise environment remained practically the same. In this paper we describe and evaluate a light-weight approach to enterprise email communication analysis and information extraction. We provide several use cases exploiting the extracted information, such as the enrichment of emails with relevant contextual information, social network extraction and its subsequent search, creation of semantic objects as well as the relationship between email analysis and information extraction on one hand, and email protocols and email servers on the other. The proposed approach was partially tested on several small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and seems to be promisin...
Michal Laclavik, Stefan Dlugolinsky, Martin Seleng
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CAI
Authors Michal Laclavik, Stefan Dlugolinsky, Martin Seleng, Marcel Kvassay, Emil Gatial, Zoltan Balogh, Ladislav Hluchý
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