

Generalized multicircumcenter trajectories for optimal design under near-independence

13 years 9 months ago
Generalized multicircumcenter trajectories for optimal design under near-independence
This work deals with trajectory optimization for a network of robotic sensors sampling a spatio-temporal random field. We examine the problem of minimizing over the space of network trajectories the maximum predictive variance of the estimator. This is a high-dimensional, multi-modal, nonsmooth optimization problem, known to be NP-hard even for static fields and discrete design spaces. Under an asymptotic regime of near-independence between distinct sample locations, we show that the solutions to a novel generalized disk-covering problem are solutions to the optimal sampling problem. This result transforms the search for the optimal trajectories into a geometric optimization problem. Constrained versions of the latter are also of interest as they can accommodate trajectories that satisfy a maximum velocity restriction on the robots. We characterize the solution for the unconstrained and constrained versions of the problem as generalized multicircumcenter trajectories, and provide distr...
Rishi Graham, Jorge Cortés
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Rishi Graham, Jorge Cortés
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