

Motion planning in quantum control via intersection of eigenvalues

13 years 10 months ago
Motion planning in quantum control via intersection of eigenvalues
In this paper we consider the problem of inducing a transition in a controlled quantum mechanical system whose spectrum loses simplicity for some values of the control. We study the situation in which the Hamiltonian of the system is real, and we are in presence of two controls. In this case, eigenvalue crossings are generically conical. Adiabatic approximation is used to decouple a finite dimensional subsystem from the original one (usually infinite dimensional). The main advantage of this method is that as a byproduct of the controllability result it permits to get an explicit expression of the controls. Moreover it may be used in the case in which the dependence of the Hamiltonian from the controls is non-linear, for which at the moment, no other method works. In this paper we study the basic block of this controllability method, that is a two by two system whose spectrum presents a conical intersection. We show how to control exactly this system with a control strategy that can be ...
Ugo V. Boscain, Francesca C. Chittaro, Paolo Mason
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Ugo V. Boscain, Francesca C. Chittaro, Paolo Mason, Remi Pacqueau, Mario Sigalotti
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