

Trajectory tracking control for a tele-operation setup with disturbance estimation and compensation

13 years 10 months ago
Trajectory tracking control for a tele-operation setup with disturbance estimation and compensation
In this paper, we tackle the position tracking problem in a robotic tele-operation setup in the presence of perturbations. In order to cope with the disturbance we developed a new disturbance observer. The estimation algorithm uses only position and velocity information and we study the estimation error dynamics in the face of constant and nonconstant exogenous perturbation signals. The disturbance estimator is used in a trajectory tracking controller to improve the performance of the position tracking between the master and the slave robot. The algorithm is tested in simulation on a tele-operation system with two two-link robots.
Stefan Lichiardopol, Nathan van de Wouw, Dragan Ko
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Stefan Lichiardopol, Nathan van de Wouw, Dragan Kostic, Henk Nijmeijer
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