

Analysis of consensus protocols with bounded measurement errors

13 years 10 months ago
Analysis of consensus protocols with bounded measurement errors
This paper analyzes two classes of consensus algorithms in presence of bounded measurement errors. The considered protocols adopt an updating rule based either on constant or vanishing weights. Under the assumption of bounded error, the consensus problem is cast in a set-membership framework, and the agreement of the team is studied by analyzing the evolution of the feasible state set. Bounds on the asymptotic difference between the states of the agents are explicitly derived, in terms of the bounds on the measurement noise and the values of the weight matrix. Key words: Consensus protocols, Set-membership uncertainty, Multi-agent systems
Andrea Garulli, Antonio Giannitrapani
Added 15 May 2011
Updated 15 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where SCL
Authors Andrea Garulli, Antonio Giannitrapani
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