

Real-time Quadrifocal Visual Odometry

13 years 10 months ago
Real-time Quadrifocal Visual Odometry
Abstract-This paper describes a new image-based approach to tracking the 6 degrees of freedom trajectory of a stereo camera pair. The proposed technique estimates the pose and subsequently the dense pixel matching between temporal image pairs in a sequence by performing dense spatial matching between images of a stereo reference pair. In this way a minimisation approach is employed which directly uses all grey-scale information available within the stereo pair (or stereo region) leading to very robust and precise results. Metric 3d structure constraints are imposed by consistently warping corresponding stereo images to generate novel viewpoints at each stereo acquisition. An iterative non-linear trajectory estimation approach is formulated based on a quadrifocal relationship between the image intensities within adjacent views of the stereo pair. A robust M-estimation technique is used to reject outliers corresponding to moving objects within the scene or other outliers such as occlusio...
Andrew I. Comport, Ezio Malis, Patrick Rives
Added 18 May 2011
Updated 18 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IJRR
Authors Andrew I. Comport, Ezio Malis, Patrick Rives
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