

Analysis of Power Switching Losses Accounting Probe Modeling

13 years 7 months ago
Analysis of Power Switching Losses Accounting Probe Modeling
Abstract--This paper focuses on the errors affecting the estimation of power switching losses in power semiconductor devices based on integration of the voltage by current product. It is shown that the measured waveforms are not simply delayed by the probes, but some overshoots and distortions are due to the probes, which may not easily be corrected. These effects are the source of errors, particularly in fast transients. This paper shows analyses of simulation and measurements, including probe models.
Kaiçar Ammous, Hervé Morel, Anis Amm
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIM
Authors Kaiçar Ammous, Hervé Morel, Anis Ammous
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