

Welch method revisited: nonparametric power spectrum estimation via circular overlap

13 years 9 months ago
Welch method revisited: nonparametric power spectrum estimation via circular overlap
The objective of this paper is twofold. The first part provides further insight in the statistical properties of the Welch power spectrum estimator. A major drawback of the Welch method reported in the literature is that the variance is not a monotonic decreasing function of the fraction of overlap. Selecting the optimal fraction of overlap, which minimizes the variance, is in general difficult since it depends on the window used. We show that the explanation for the nonmonotonic behavior of the variance, as reported in the literature, does not hold. In the second part, this extra insight allows one to eliminate the nonmonotonic behavior of the variance for the Welch power spectrum estimator (PSE) by introducing a small modification to the Welch method. The main contributions of this paper are providing extra insight in the statistical properties of the Welch PSE; modifying the Welch PSE to circular overlap--the variance is a monotonically decreasing function of the fraction of overlap...
Kurt Barbé, Rik Pintelon, Johan Schoukens
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSP
Authors Kurt Barbé, Rik Pintelon, Johan Schoukens
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