

Efficient Measurement Generation and Pervasive Sparsity for Compressive Data Gathering

13 years 7 months ago
Efficient Measurement Generation and Pervasive Sparsity for Compressive Data Gathering
We proposed compressive data gathering (CDG) that leverages compressive sampling (CS) principle to efficiently reduce communication cost and prolong network lifetime for large scale monitoring sensor networks. The network capacity has been proven to increase proportionally to the sparsity of sensor readings. In this paper, we further address two key problems in the CDG framework. First, we investigate how to generate RIP (restricted isometry property) preserving measurements of sensor readings by taking multi-hop communication cost into account. Excitingly, we discover that a simple form of measurement matrix [ ] has good RIP, and the data gathering scheme that realizes this measurement matrix can further reduce the communication cost of CDG for both chain-type and treetype topology. Second, although the sparsity of sensor readings is pervasive, it might be rather complicated to fully exploit it. Owing to the inherent flexibility of CS principle, the proposed CDG framework is able to u...
Chong Luo, Feng Wu, Jun Sun, Chang Wen Chen
Added 23 May 2011
Updated 23 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TWC
Authors Chong Luo, Feng Wu, Jun Sun, Chang Wen Chen
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