

Electrical centrality measures for electric power grid vulnerability analysis

13 years 6 months ago
Electrical centrality measures for electric power grid vulnerability analysis
— This paper investigates measures of centrality that are applicable to power grids. Centrality measures are used in network science to rank the relative importance of nodes and edges of a graph. Here we define new measures of centrality for power grids that are based on its functionality. More specifically, the coupling of the grid network can be expressed as the algebraic equation Y U = I, where U and I represent the vectors of complex bus voltage and injected current phasors; and Y is the network admittance matrix which is defined not only by the connecting topology but also by the network’s electrical parameters and can be viewed as a complex-weighted Laplacian. We show that the relative importance analysis based on centrality in graph theory can be performed on power grid network with its electrical parameters taken into account. In the paper we experiment with the proposed electrical centrality measures on the NYISO-2935 system and the IEEE 300-bus system. We analyze the c...
Zhifang Wang, Anna Scaglione, Robert J. Thomas
Added 23 Aug 2011
Updated 23 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Zhifang Wang, Anna Scaglione, Robert J. Thomas
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