

DegExt - A Language-Independent Graph-Based Keyphrase Extractor

13 years 4 months ago
DegExt - A Language-Independent Graph-Based Keyphrase Extractor
Abstract. In this paper, we introduce DegExt, a graph-based languageindependent keyphrase extractor,which extends the keyword extraction method described in [6]. We compare DegExt with two state-of-the-art approaches to keyphrase extraction: GenEx [11] and TextRank [8]. Our experiments on a collection of benchmark summaries show that DegExt outperforms TextRank and GenEx in terms of precision and area under curve (AUC) for summaries of 15 keyphrases or more at the expense of a non-significant decrease of recall and F-measure. Moreover, DegExt surpasses both GenEx and TextRank in terms of implementation simplicity and computational complexity.
Marina Litvak, Mark Last, Hen Aizenman, Inbal Gobi
Added 24 Aug 2011
Updated 24 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where AWIC
Authors Marina Litvak, Mark Last, Hen Aizenman, Inbal Gobits, Abraham Kandel
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