

Display Requirements for an Interactive Rail Scheduling Display

13 years 6 months ago
Display Requirements for an Interactive Rail Scheduling Display
: This work, a collaboration between Alstom Transport and the MIT Humans and Automation Laboratory (HAL), is focused on the development of an interactive in-cab scheduling interface for train operators. Currently, operators rely on a combination of paper schedules, paper speed charts, and rote memorization to meet the many demands of train operation. The separation of this information over multiple sources shifts driver attention away from the windscreen and may result in increased workload levels and safety compromises. A Hybrid Cognitive Task Analysis (hCTA), which derives the information requirements necessary to meet mission goals directly from operational tasks, was conducted to generate cognitive requirements for the desired scheduling display. The resulting seventeen requirements were used to guide the development of a new scheduling display, which is presented.
Jacqueline M. Tappan, David J. Pitman, Mary L. Cum
Added 28 Aug 2011
Updated 28 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where HCI
Authors Jacqueline M. Tappan, David J. Pitman, Mary L. Cummings, Denis Miglianico
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