

AmoebaDB and MicrosporidiaDB: functional genomic resources for Amoebozoa and Microsporidia species

13 years 5 months ago
AmoebaDB and MicrosporidiaDB: functional genomic resources for Amoebozoa and Microsporidia species
AmoebaDB ( and MicrosporidiaDB ( are new functional genomic databases serving the amoebozoa and microsporidia research communities, respectively. AmoebaDB contains the genomes of three Entamoeba species (E. dispar, E. invadens and E. histolityca) and microarray expression data for E. histolytica. MicrosporidiaDB contains the genomes of Encephalitozoon cuniculi, E. intestinalis and E. bieneusi. The databases belong to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funded EuPathDB (http:// Bioinformatics Resource Center family of integrated databases and assume the same architectural and graphical design as other EuPathDB resources such as PlasmoDB and TriTrypDB. Importantly they utilize the graphical strategy builder that affords a database user the ability to ask complex multi-data-type questions with relative ease and versatility. Genomic scale data can be queried based on BLAST searches, annotation keywo...
Cristina Aurrecoechea, Ana Barreto, John Brestelli
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where NAR
Authors Cristina Aurrecoechea, Ana Barreto, John Brestelli, Brian P. Brunk, Elisabet V. Caler, Steve Fischer, Bindu Gajria, Xin Gao, Alan Gingle, Gregory R. Grant, Omar S. Harb, Mark Heiges, John Iodice, Jessica C. Kissinger, Eileen Kraemer, Wei Li, Vishal Nayak, Cary Pennington, Deborah F. Pinney, Brian Pitts, David S. Roos, Ganesh Srinivasamoorthy, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr., Charles Treatman, Haiming Wang
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