

Removing gamification from an enterprise SNS

12 years 8 months ago
Removing gamification from an enterprise SNS
Gamification, the use of game mechanics in non-gaming applications, has been applied to various systems to encourage desired user behaviors. In this paper, we examine patterns of user activity in an enterprise social network service after the removal of a points-based incentive system. Our results reveal that the removal of the incentive scheme did reduce overall participation via contribution within the SNS. We also describe the strategies by point leaders and observe that users geographically distant from headquarters tended to comment on profiles outside of their home country. Finally, we describe the implications of the removal of extrinsic rewards, such as points and badges, on social software systems, particularly those deployed within an enterprise. Author Keywords Gamification, organizational social networking ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous.
Jennifer Thom-Santelli, David R. Millen, Joan Morr
Added 21 Apr 2012
Updated 21 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CSCW
Authors Jennifer Thom-Santelli, David R. Millen, Joan Morris DiMicco
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