

A prototyping environment for interaction between a human and a robotic multi-agent system

12 years 8 months ago
A prototyping environment for interaction between a human and a robotic multi-agent system
In this paper we describe our prototyping environment to study concepts for empowering a single user to control robotic multi-agent systems. We investigate and validate these concepts by experiments with a fleet of hovering robots. Specifically, we report on a first experiment in which one robot is equipped with an RGB-D sensor through which the user is enabled to directly interact with a multi-agent system without the need to carry any device. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Input devices and strategies, Interaction styles, Prototyping, User-centered design Keywords human multi-robot interaction, heterogeneous multi-agent system, device-free, in situ multi-robot control
Michael Lichtenstern, Martin Frassl, Bernhard Peru
Added 24 Apr 2012
Updated 24 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where HRI
Authors Michael Lichtenstern, Martin Frassl, Bernhard Perun, Michael Angermann
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