Improving detailed routing routability is an important objective of a global router. In this paper, we propose GDRouter, an interleaved global routing and detailed routing algorithm for the ultimate routability i.e., detailed routing routability. The newly proposed router makes the global routing aware of detailed routing routability by correctly setting global capacity to reduce the inconsistency between the two stages. The final result contains both the detailed routing guided global routing and deailed routing solutions. Fast and efficient academic global routing and detailed routing tools FastRoute [1] and RegularRoute [2] are interleaved in GDRouter. In the Initial Capacity and Routing Weight Esitmation (ICRWE) phase, the weight for each global and detailed routing grid is calculated to make GDRouter aware of pin distribution based on a Gridded Voronoi Diagram method. Then the algorithm generates initial global capacity based on both local usage and global segment usage. In part...