The Best Laid Plans is an interactive narrative video game that uses cognitive-inspired fast planning techniques to generate stories with conflict during play. Players alternate between acting out a plan and seeing that plan thwarted by non-player characters. The Glaive narrative planner combines causal-link-based computational models of narrative with the speed of fast heuristic search techniques to adapt the story each time the player attempts a new plan. About The Best Laid Plans The Best Laid Plans is an interactive narrative point-andclick adventure game. Players take on the role of a hapless goblin minion in service to the skeletal Dark Overlord. The goblin is tasked with visiting the local village to retrieve a bottle of hair tonic and return with it to the Overlord’s tower. Play alternates between two modes. In Make Your Plan mode, the player acts out a sequence of actions to obtain the hair tonic and return to the tower. Non-player characters (NPCs) do not act in this mode...
Stephen G. Ware, Robert Michael Young, Christian S