

DIONYSUS: Towards Query-aware Distributed Processing of RDF Graph Streams

8 years 8 months ago
DIONYSUS: Towards Query-aware Distributed Processing of RDF Graph Streams
Arguably, the most significant obstacle to handle the emerging application’s data deluge is to design a system that addresses the challenges for big data’s volume, velocity and variety. Work in RDF stream processing (RSP) systems partly addresses the challenge of variety by promoting the RDF model. However, challenges like volume, velocity are overlooked by existing approaches. These challenges demand optimised combination of scale-out and scaleup solutions. Furthermore, various other requirements for RSP systems, such as an efficient integration of distributed stream sources, storage of historical streams and their analysis, and integration of stateful operators to support complex event processing over streams are far from being addressed in an efficient way. Our vision is to design a general purpose RDF graph streaming system, which will be able to cope with distributed streams and shares local optimising strategies to allow different kinds of queries (analytical, streaming, s...
Syed Gillani, Gauthier Picard, Frédé
Added 02 Apr 2016
Updated 02 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where EDBT
Authors Syed Gillani, Gauthier Picard, Frédérique Laforest
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