Transit services are currently facing several challenges in the United States and around the
world. For many reasons, among which the fluctuations in gas prices and the state of the
economy are the major ones, transit demand has noticed a considerable increase. The challenge
that transit agencies are facing is to make these increases permanent by maintaining transits
competitive edge over private vehicle with more dense and reliable service. Current
methodologies for scheduling new as well as improving existing transit routes should be able to
respond to the dynamic nature of urban traffic as it is evolving through ITS and more
comprehensive traffic management strategies. In this research paper we correlate travel time
obtained from buses to travel time obtained from floating vehicles, in the Twin Cities
Metropolitan region. This research helps in introducing more reliable estimates of travel time for
planning new and competitive transit services. Specifically, this work stud...
A. M. El-Geneidy, J. Hourdos, J. Horning