

Head Pose Estimation from Passive Stereo Images

15 years 15 days ago
Head Pose Estimation from Passive Stereo Images
We present an algorithm to estimate the 3D pose (location and orientation) of a previously unseen face from low-quality range images. The algorithm generates many pose candidates from a signature to the nose tip based on local shape, and then evaluates each candidate by computing an error function. Our algorithm incorporates 2D and 3D cues to make the system robust to low-quality range images acquired by passive stereo systems. It handles large pose variations (of 90 yaw and 45 pitch rotation) and facial variations due to expressions or ac- cessories. For a maximally allowed error of 30, the system achieves an accuracy of 83.6%.
C. Høilund, J. Jensen, Luc J. Van Gool, Mic
Added 10 Dec 2009
Updated 15 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SCIA
Authors C. Høilund, J. Jensen, Luc J. Van Gool, Michael D. Breitenstein, Thomas B. Moeslund
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