

X-data: Generating test data for killing SQL mutants

14 years 9 months ago
X-data: Generating test data for killing SQL mutants
Abstract— Checking if an SQL query has been written correctly is not an easy task. Formal verification is not applicable, since it is based on comparing a specification with an implementation, whereas SQL queries are essentially a specification without any implementation. Thus, the standard approach for testing queries is to manually check query results on test datasets. Intuitively, a mutant is a query variant that could have been the correct query if the query was in error; a mutant is killed by a dataset if the original query and the mutant return different results on the dataset. In this paper, we address the problem of generation of test data for an SQL query, to kill mutants. Our work focuses in particular on a class of join/outer-join mutants, which are a common cause of error. To minimize human effort in testing, our techniques generate a test suite containing small and intuitive test datasets, combining them into a single dataset where possible. In the absence of foreign-...
Bhanu Pratap Gupta, Devang Vira, S. Sudarshan
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICDE
Authors Bhanu Pratap Gupta, Devang Vira, S. Sudarshan
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