

Concrete Abstractions

15 years 10 months ago
Concrete Abstractions
"This book has evolved from materials used in an undergraduate course intended for final year undergraduate students whose background includes at least one year's experience with the C programming language. The book has four parts. Part 1 introduces object oriented programming, providing some historical perspectives on the development of this style and a general explanation of how languages like C++ and Object Pascal actually work. The second part focuses on C++. It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to C++. It is assumed that students will already know C and so no consideration is given to those language constructs that are common to both C and C++. The three chapters in this part cover C++'s minor extensions to C, programmer defined types, and simple class hierarchies based on single inheritance. The aim of the third part is to enable students to build complex applications by combining and extending reusable components taken from a framework class library. Th...
Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight
Added 14 Feb 2009
Updated 14 Feb 2009
Authors Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight
PART I Procedural Abstraction
Computer Science and Programming
1.1 What's It All About? / 3
Sidebar: Responsible Computer Use / 5
1.2 Programming in Scheme / 5
1.3 An Application: Quilting / 15
Recursion and Induction
2.1 Recursion / 22
Sidebar: Exponents / 28
2.2 Induction / 28
2.3 Further Examples / 34
2.4 An Application: Custom-Sized Quilts / 40
Iteration and Invariants
3.1 Iteration / 48
3.2 Using Invariants / 54
3.3 Perfect Numbers, Internal Definitions, and Let / 58
3.4 Iterative Improvement: Approximating the Golden Ratio / 61
3.5 An Application: The Josephus Problem / 65
Orders of Growth and Tree Recursion
4.1 Orders of Growth / 75
Sidebar: Selection Sort / 77
Sidebar: Merge Sort / 78
Sidebar: Merging / 79
Sidebar: Logarithms / 82
4.2 Tree Recursion and Digital Signatures / 83
Sidebar: Modular Arithmetic / 87
4.3 An Application: Fractal Curves / 95
Higher-Order Procedures
5.1 Procedural Parameters / 109
5.2 Uncomputability / 113
Sidebar: Alan Turing / 116
5.3 Procedures That Make Procedures / 118
5.4 An Application: Verifying ID Numbers / 120
PART II Data Abstraction
Compound Data and Data Abstraction
6.1 Introduction / 133
6.2 Nim / 135
6.3 Representations and Implementations / 143
Sidebar: Nim Program / 144
Sidebar: Game State ADT Implementation / 152
6.4 Three-Pile Nim / 153
6.5 An Application: Adding Strategies to Nim / 156
Sidebar: Type Checking / 157
7.1 The Definition of a List / 167
7.2 Constructing Lists / 169
7.3 Basic List Processing Techniques / 172
7.4 List Processing and Iteration / 179
7.5 Tree Recursion and Lists / 182
7.6 An Application: A Movie Query System / 187
Sidebar: Is There More to Intelligence Than the Appearance of
Intelligence? / 202
8.1 Binary Search Trees / 212
8.2 Efficiency Issues with Binary Search Trees / 220
Sidebar: Privacy Issues / 225
8.3 Expression Trees / 226
8.4 An Application: Automated Phone Books / 229
Generic Operations
9.1 Introduction / 243
9.2 Multiple Representations / 244
9.3 Exploiting Commonality / 253
9.4 An Application: Computer Graphics / 262
Implementing Programming Languages
10.1 Introduction / 278
10.2 Syntax / 279
Sidebar: The Expressiveness of EBNF / 285
10.3 Micro-Scheme / 289
10.4 Global Definitions: Mini-Scheme / 303
10.5 An Application: Adding Explanatory Output / 311
PART III Abstractions of State
Computers with Memory
11.1 Introduction / 333
11.2 An Example Computer Architecture / 333
11.3 Programming the SLIM / 340
Sidebar: What Can Be Stored in a Location? / 342
Sidebar: SLIM's Instruction Set / 348
11.4 Iteration in Assembly Language / 349
11.5 Recursion in Assembly Language / 357
11.6 Memory in Scheme: Vectors / 361
11.7 An Application: A Simulator for SLIM / 367
Dynamic Programming
12.1 Introduction / 379
12.2 Revisiting Tree Recursion / 380
12.3 Memoization / 388
12.4 Dynamic Programming / 398
12.5 Comparing Memoization and Dynamic Programming / 406
12.6 An Application: Formatting Paragraphs / 406
Object-based Abstractions
13.1 Introduction / 420
13.2 Arithmetic Expressions Revisited / 421
13.3 RA-Stack Implementations and Representation Invariants / 432
Sidebar: Strings and Characters / 433
13.4 Queues / 446
13.5 Binary Search Trees Revisited / 453
13.6 Dictionaries / 472
Object-oriented Programming
14.1 Introduction / 486
14.2 An Object-oriented Program / 487
14.3 Extensions and Variations / 511
14.4 Implementing an Object-oriented Prog. System / 517
14.5 An Application: Adventures in the Land of Gack / 543
Java, Applets, and Concurrency
15.1 Introduction / 577
15.2 Java / 578
15.3 Event-Driven Graphical User Interfaces in Applets / 599
15.4 Concurrency / 616
Sidebar: Nested Calls to Synchronized Methods and Deadlock / 625
15.5 An Application: Simulating Compound Interest / 632
APPENDIX Nonstandard Extensions to Scheme 645
Bibliography 649
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