

Scalable liveness checking via property-preserving transformations

14 years 10 months ago
Scalable liveness checking via property-preserving transformations
The ability of logic transformations to enhance safety property checking has been well-established, and many industrial-strength verification solutions accordingly rely ariety of synthesis and abstraction techniques for speed and scalability. However, little prior work has addressed the applicability of such transformations in the domain of liveness checking. In this paper, we provide the theoretical foundation to enable the efficient use of a variety of (possibly customized) transformations in a livenesschecking framework. We demonstrate the practical utility of this theory on a variety of complex verification problems.
Jason Baumgartner, Hari Mony
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DATE
Authors Jason Baumgartner, Hari Mony
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