

A GALS many-core heterogeneous DSP platform with source-synchronous on-chip interconnection network

14 years 7 months ago
A GALS many-core heterogeneous DSP platform with source-synchronous on-chip interconnection network
This paper presents a many-core heterogeneous computational platform that employs a GALS compatible circuit-switched on-chip network. The platform targets streaming DSP and embedded applications that have a high degree of task-level parallelism among computational kernels. The test chip was fabricated in 65nm CMOS consisting of 164 simple small programmable cores, three dedicated-purpose accelerators and three shared memory modules. All processors are clocked by their own local oscillators and communication is achieved through a simple yet effective source-synchronous communication technique that allows each interconnection link between any two processors to sustain a peak throughput of one data word per cycle. A complete 802.11a WLAN baseband receiver was implemented on this platform. It has a real-time throughput of 54 Mbps with all processors running at 594 MHz and 0.95 V, and consumes an average 174.76 mW with 12.18 mW (or 7.0%) dissipated by its interconnection links. We can full...
Anh T. Tran, Dean Truong, Bevan M. Baas
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where NOCS
Authors Anh T. Tran, Dean Truong, Bevan M. Baas
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