

Bank-aware Dynamic Cache Partitioning for Multicore Architectures

14 years 7 months ago
Bank-aware Dynamic Cache Partitioning for Multicore Architectures
Abstract—As Chip-Multiprocessor systems (CMP) have become the predominant topology for leading microprocessors, critical components of the system are now integrated on a single chip. This enables sharing of computation resources that was not previously possible. In addition, the virtualization of these computational resources exposes the system to a mix of diverse and competing workloads. Cache is a resource of primary concern as it can be dominant in controlling overall throughput. In order to prevent destructive interference between divergent workloads, the last level of cache must be partitioned. In the past, many solutions have been proposed but most of them are assuming either simplified cache hierarchies with no realistic restrictions or complex cache schemes that are difficult to integrate in a real design. To address this problem, we propose a dynamic partitioning strategy based on realistic last level cache designs of CMP processors. We used a cycle accurate, full system s...
Dimitris Kaseridis, Jeffrey Stuecheli, Lizy K. Joh
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICPP
Authors Dimitris Kaseridis, Jeffrey Stuecheli, Lizy K. John
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