

HSM3D: Feature-less global 6DOF scan-matching in the Hough/Radon domain

14 years 9 months ago
HSM3D: Feature-less global 6DOF scan-matching in the Hough/Radon domain
—This paper presents HSM3D, an algorithm for global rigid 6DOF alignment of 3D point clouds. The algorithm works by projecting the two input sets into the Radon/Hough domain, whose properties allow to decompose the 6DOF search into a series of fast one-dimensional cross-correlations. No planes or other particular features must be present in the input data, and the algorithm is provably complete in the case of noise-free input. The algorithm has been experimentally validated on publicly available data sets.
Andrea Censi, Stefano Carpin
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Andrea Censi, Stefano Carpin
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