

Real-time correlative scan matching

14 years 9 months ago
Real-time correlative scan matching
— Scan matching, the problem of registering two laser scans in order to determine the relative positions from which the scans were obtained, is one of the most heavily relied-upon tools for mobile robots. Current algorithms, in a trade-off for computational performance, employ heuristics in order to quickly compute an answer. Of course, these heuristics are imperfect: existing methods can produce poor results, particularly when the prior is weak. The computational power available to modern robots warrants a re-examination of these quality vs. complexity trade-offs. In this paper, we advocate a probabilistically-motivated scan-matching algorithm that produces higher quality and more robust results at the cost of additional computation time. We describe several novel implementations of this approach that achieve real-time performance on modern hardware, including a multi-resolution approach for conventional CPUs, and a parallel approach for graphics processing units (GPUs). We also pro...
Edwin B. Olson
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Edwin B. Olson
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