

Coarsely calibrated visual servoing of a mobile robot using a catadioptric vision system

14 years 9 months ago
Coarsely calibrated visual servoing of a mobile robot using a catadioptric vision system
— A catadioptric vision system combines a camera and a mirror to achieve a wide field of view imaging system. This type of vision system has many potential applications in mobile robotics. This paper is concerned with the design of a robust image-based control scheme using a catadioptric vision system mounted on a mobile robot. We exploit the fact that the decoupling property contributes to the robustness of a control method. More precisely, from the image of a point, we propose a minimal and decoupled set of features measurable on any catadioptric vision system. Using the minimal set, a classical control method is proved to be robust in the presence of point range errors. Finally, experimental results with a coarsely calibrated mobile robot validate the robustness of the new decoupled scheme.
Romeo Tatsambon Fomena, Han Ul Yoon, Andrea Cherub
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IROS
Authors Romeo Tatsambon Fomena, Han Ul Yoon, Andrea Cherubini, François Chaumette, Seth Hutchinson
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