

An Heuristic for the Construction of Intersection Graphs

14 years 9 months ago
An Heuristic for the Construction of Intersection Graphs
Most methods for generating Euler diagrams describe the detection of the general structure of the final draw as the first and most important step. This information is often depicted using a graph, where nodes are regions to be represented and edges show adjacency relations between them. Simonetto and Auber [12] described this structure naming it intersection graphs. Their method aims to represent every collection of overlapping sets in a Euler diagram fashion (even when a proper Euler diagram does not exist), and they pointed out how the construction of the intersection graph is the main issue to solve. The authors explained the characteristics that a well formed intersection graph should or must have, but no algorithms have been provided to construct it. In this paper we will present an heuristic algorithm that solves this problem.
Paolo Simonetto, David Auber
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IV
Authors Paolo Simonetto, David Auber
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