

Complementation of Coalgebra Automata

14 years 9 months ago
Complementation of Coalgebra Automata
Abstract. Coalgebra automata, introduced by the second author, generalize the well-known automata that operate on infinite words/streams, trees, graphs or transition systems. This coalgebraic perspective on automata lays foundation to a universal theory of automata operating on infinite models of computation. In this paper we prove a complementation lemma for coalgebra automata. More specifically, we provide a construction that transforms a given coalgebra automaton with parity acceptance condition into a device of similar type, which accepts exactly those pointed coalgebras that are rejected by the original automaton. Our construction works for automata operating on coalgebras for an arbitrary standard set functor which preserves weak pullbacks and restricts to finite sets. Our proof is coalgebraic in flavour in that we introduce and use a notion of game bisimilarity between certain kinds of parity games.
Christian Kissig, Yde Venema
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Christian Kissig, Yde Venema
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